How to use the Mark - Start Here

If you are just getting started using the Mark, review these important resources first. These cover the basics.

Next, we have put together this summary FAQ that serves as the table of contents for learning more about using the Mark. These may dive a little bit deeper into some nuances of using the tool to help you get the most out of it. These will also help you troubleshoot common questions about how to use the Mark more effectively.

Using the Mark 101

  1. How do I find the right spot when using the Mark?
  2. How much pressure do I need? How long should I hold the pressure? How should I breathe?
  3. Warm up with the Orbit
  4. Using the Mark while standing
  5. Using the Mark lying on the ground
  6. Optimizing your use of the Mark (full body routine)
  7. Adding the pelvic realignment exercise if you have a twisted pelvis

Using the Mark FAQs + Troubleshooting Support

  1. How often should I use the Mark? When should I use it? How long until I feel better?
  2. What should I feel when the muscle is releasing?
  3. What should I do if I feel sore or bruised after releasing my muscles?
  4. I am having trouble keeping the Mark stable underneath my body. Any tips?
  5. I am having trouble getting to my iliacus muscle. Any tips?
  6. The handle feels like it bends too much and the tip isn't rotating enough. Any tips?
  7. I am having trouble getting to my psoas muscle. Any tips?
  8. Can I use the Mark if I have belly fat?
  9. Should I use the Mark before or after a workout?

Still have questions?

If you have questions about using the Mark that aren't answered in this list, please reach out to us at and we'll do our best to help.

Apr 16, 2024

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