Can the Range address my pain?

  • What is the Range? Is it different than the Nuckle?

    The Range, formerly known as the Nuckle, is a new name that we have assigned to our muscle release tool for the neck, chest, and upper trap muscles. Visually, the new Range has the Aletha logo on the front side of the tool (please note that this applies to the black version only). All product fe...
  • Can the Range help my issue?

    Tension in the suboccipitals, pec minor, and upper trap muscles can have a huge impact on the posture and alignment of your upper body, as well as brain function and your response to stress. The Range, formerly the Nuckle, has helped thousands of people overcome: - Neck pain - Headaches - Migra...
  • Can the Range help me to improve my headaches and migraines?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to headaches and migraines. One of the primary reasons this product was created was to target the smaller muscles at the base of your skull (called the suboccipitals) that are often responsible for causing h...
  • Can the Range help with forward head posture?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to a rounded forward head posture. One of the primary reasons this product was created was to target the tight neck muscles that become overworked when you hold your head in a forward position. You can also ...
  • Can the Range help me improve rounded shoulders?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to a rounded forward shoulder posture. One of the primary reasons this product was created was to target the tight pec muscles (such as the pec minor) that are responsible for rolling your shoulders inward a...
  • Can the Range help with jaw pain?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to jaw pain. Jaw pain is typically a symptom resulting from misalignment and tension elsewhere in the upper body. For example, if your shoulders are rounded forward and your head and neck like to shoot forwa...
  • Can the Range help with a bulging or herniated disc in my neck?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to a disc bulge or disc herniation in the neck. These can occur over time as the result of spending a lot of time with a forward head posture. This misaligns the cervical spine, where more pressure is placed...
  • Can the Range help with neck arthritis?

    Yes. Tightness in the muscles around your head, neck, chest, and shoulders can contribute to upper body dysfunction, which contributes to poor posture (like forward head posture and rounded shoulders) and gradual "wear and tear" that happens to the discs and joints in the neck over time. Along wi...
  • Can the Range help with vertigo?

    Maybe. The cause of vertigo (including BBPV) is inner ear crystals causing a disturbance to the nervous system. This product does NOT address this aspect. However, a lot of people who have vertigo also have tightness in their neck (cervicogenic) and, therefore, do see some improvement in their sy...
  • Are there people who should NOT use the Range?

    There are certain circumstances where it is not recommended to use this product because there has been no official data confirming its safety under these conditions. Do NOT use the Range, formerly the Nuckle if you have: The tendency to bruise easily or have difficulty with blood clotting Open w...
  • Should I use the Range when having a headache or migraine?

    Definitely. Tension headaches form from trigger points in the muscles at the base of the skull, and these places affect migraines and jaw pain also. You may want to consider (wink-wink) using the Range, formerly the Nuckle, before a headache develops as prevention. This way, your muscles won’t ac...
  • How do I reduce the pressure of the Range?

    When you first use the Range, formerly the Nuckle, it might feel rather intense. This is especially going to be the case if you hold a lot of tightness in your upper body. Slowly but surely, this can be undone and released when using the Range consistently over time. But to get started, we recomm...
  • How is the Range different from other neck tools?

    Many other tools on the market have pressure points that are too wide or too round, so they lack the ability to provide firm, precise pressure to the smaller, deeper muscles at the base of the skull. The Range, formerly the Nuckle, was anatomically designed by a physical therapist for the shape ...
  • How is the Range different than using a ball or a peanut?

    Round shapes cannot apply direct, precise pressure to deeper muscles that are causing your pain. The Range, formerly the Nuckle, doesn’t roll, has an appropriate size, and is shaped to pinpoint each muscle for best results. The patent-pending design of the Range allows for firm, direct, and prec...
  • Should I use the Range before or after going to work?

    If you only had to pick one or the other, we'd strongly encourage you to use the Range, formerly the Nuckle, before going to work or before any other activities that you may be doing for a long period of time (e.g. long road trip, plane ride, workout). The reason for this is that you are taking a...
  • What does it feel like when using the Range? Does it hurt?

    Depending on how tight your muscles are, the Range, formerly the Nuckle, can give that “hurts so good” type of feeling. Remember, happy muscles don’t hurt. The goal of the Range is to provide direct and prolonged pressure to a tight muscle in your body. Once you find a tight spot, stay there for...