Can the Mark help with lower back pain?

Muscle tension in the hip flexors (the iliacus and psoas) and the deep hip rotators (like the piriformis) can contribute to back pain. These muscles attach directly to your lumbar spine, pelvis, and hips. When tight or there are imbalances side to side, these muscles pull and twist these areas out of their optimal alignment. This creates more tightness around the lower back and can lead to pain or other injuries. If tension in these areas is contributing to your lower back pain, then our products can help.

  • The Mark: releases the iliacus and psoas muscles with precise pressure
  • The Orbit: releases the piriformis and deep hip rotators in the glute region with broad pressure; can also be used to warm up the hip flexors before using the Mark
  • The Band: helps you strengthen key muscles around your core, glutes, and hips to create stability and reduce stress on the lower back
  • The Book: our Founder's book Tight Hip, Twisted Core - The Key to Unresolved Pain offers deeper insights into muscle tension and how it is impacting your pain, helping you understand how to address the root cause

When used consistently over time, the Aletha Health products support less muscle tension, better alignment, and increased strength & stability. This combination has helped many people improve their lower back pain, and we hope it will help you too. For best results, use the Aletha Health products together and alongside other stretches and exercises. Please check with your healthcare practitioner for which stretches and exercises are most appropriate for you.

***No matter what your history or symptoms are, consult with your healthcare practitioner before using the Aletha Health products. This information here is educational in nature and not medical advice.

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Apr 25, 2024

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