Can the Mark help with a rotated pelvis or leg length discrepancy?

The psoas and iliacus (your hip flexors) attach to the lumbar spine, pelvis, and hips. When functioning optimally, they support these areas in their natural alignment. If these muscles become tight or if one side becomes tighter than the other, it creates an imbalance in the body. The pelvis begins to rotate, the spine curves, and the way your legs attach to the hip joints is affected (creating a functional or apparent leg length discrepancy).

Tension in these muscles can create an anterior pelvic tilt, pelvic rotation, pelvic upslip or hip hike.

The Mark is designed to apply pressure to the iliacus and psoas muscles to reduce tightness. When used consistently over time, the Mark can help support an improved alignment of the pelvis back into a more neutral position. This can further support a better orientation of the legs where they connect to the hip joints, restoring a more equal leg length. Ultimately, this can lead to improvement in the pain and discomfort felt throughout the body because you are now more balanced.

For best results, the Aletha Health products should be used together and alongside other stretches and exercises. Please check with your healthcare practitioner for which stretches and exercises are appropriate for you.

***No matter what your history or symptoms are, consult with your healthcare practitioner before using the Aletha Health products. This information here is educational in nature and not medical advice.

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Mar 29, 2024

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